Happy Halloween!!! Happy Samhain!!!
Well my little goblins are still coughing a little and sniffly, as am I, but they're feeling MUCH Better. I'm so INCREDIBLY thankful for that!!! For your Halloween reading pleasure, I'm going to share a short story I wrote a few years ago for a creative writing class. No, I can't stay away from the paranormal. I'm completely incapable of it! Enjoy, and have fun Halloween night! Fire and Water b y Lesley Speller A small group of little girls laughed and whispered as the skinny, brown haired girl climbed out of the water and padded quickly over to where her friend Alice was standing. She had just swum faster than she could ever remember swimming before in her life. Her coach had stared at her stop watch in amazement before patting her on the back and telling her that they would have to talk to her parents about training for the Olympics...