Our 1st Craft Project!!!

Look! Look! Look! Nicky and I just completed our 1st joint craft project!!!

I had embroidered this pillow about five years ago, and yesterday I found it and was suddenly possessed with the need to complete it. So I sewed it together and added the fringe and then realized I didn't have any stuffing.

Nicky was sitting on my lap about half the time when I was sewing it up. He is fascinated by the sewing machine. A little too fascinated! I worry he'll stick his little fingers in it, so he had to spend most of the time I was working on it on Daddy's lap.

I bought some stuffing today at the world's largest retailer, and Nicky helped me stuff the pillow. It was so much fun, and he had an absolute blast. Apparently stuffing for pillows makes excellent projectiles... Heck at least its one thing that doesn't take anyone's eye out or cause a concussion!

Isn't it lovely!!! That's all hand embroidery folks. Look at that craftsmanship! Just try not to look at the stains. I believe I got them on there when I was originally embroidering it. I have no idea what it was, but if I had to wager a guess I'd say Diet Coke. Seems like most of my stains are Diet Coke related.


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