Tips for Enjoying the Holidays More:
- Shop Early - Nothing spoils the happy holiday mood like last minute shopping.
- Don't expect it to be like a holiday movie - Accept perhaps National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ;)
- Don't expect it to be like a Christmas Card - Expectations ruin the
beauty of the experience you're having. Sure the kids throw clumps of
icicles all over the tree, dump sprinkles in 3 inch high piles in the
middle of the cookies, and decide halfway through that they're not
remotely interested in making ornaments with you, but who cares. Enjoy
what it is instead of mourning what it could have been.
- It's the
thought that counts - This applies to receiving as well as giving. If
you get a gift you don't like, be happy that the person thought of you
enough to spend their hard earned money or time on it. Same goes for
giving, put some thought into the gift you give someone and if they
don't like it well they can just suck it! Don't worry about it. They
should be grateful and if they're not, then it's not your fault.
- It's not your responsibility to make everyone happy - There are people
in everyone's life that no matter what you do, what lengths you go to,
what money you spend won't be happy. It's not your fault. People chose
whether to be happy or not (aside from clinical depression which should
be treated) and if they chose to be unhappy or disappointed with a
situation then it's not your fault. Do what you can. Don't kill
yourself. The result will be the same!
And it's not about the presents! So don't go overboard.