Maury Povich is a Sick Freak I admit that a pickle phobia is pretty ummmmm weird....but who am I to judge, I'm afraid of the dark and being trapped in something underwater.

But what kind of a freakin' sadistic nutjob sends someone to a pickle factory when they're afraid of pickles and has them dragged in... Or brings out a plate of them and sticks it in their face. Or tells them just to stop shaking!

Phobia's are often unexplainable and downright strange, but taunting someone with it is just cruel!


Anonymous said…
He is an ass. That being said, it does beg the question, what is her attitude toward cucumbers?? Pre-pickles?? If it's the shape that bothers her, what about zucchini and squash?? I'm just asking...
Anonymous said…
Yeah... it's really very, very odd...

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