Transforming my Kitchen

So in an effort to make cooking low carb easier and faster, (See Plan #2) I've been simplifying and deep cleaning my kitchen. That effort is going well.  I'm nearly complete. 

Have you ever looked at something and realized it was so dirty that throwing it out and buying a new one would be way easier.  Yeah, that's where me and my ventahood are.  I cleaned it for half an hour last night, and it's STILL filthy!  I realllly wanted to just disconnect it and toss that sucker out of the backdoor.  Sadly I had to think about Plan #1.

As I was cleaning my canisters, I noticed all the nicks and chips in them.  It didn't make me love them any less, mind you.  It actually just made me worry a bit what might happen if they broke. I flipped over the cookie jar and there was a URL. I got these from my mom and dad about 20 years ago before I got married.  In terms of the internet that's a LONG time ago.  That's almost pre-Google for heaven's sake.  So naturally the URL was dead.  So no chance of replacement.  I better be super careful with them!

After I got my spice rack all cleaned up and put back together, I noticed how unattractive my bottles of Great Value oils looked sitting next to them.  I considered googling pretty bottles for oil, and then thought NO PLAN #1!  So I set to looking around junk piles that had formed in all the locations I hadn't gotten to clean out yet and found two bottles.  One of them was from a pink lemonade and the other was, I think, from a Pumpkin Soda...  Or something like that.  At any rate they both came from Aldi and the bottles were so cute I couldn't throw them out.  Yay, hoarder for the win!

Yes! That IS a collapsible funnel! Isn't that awesome!

So now I have pretty bottles for my oils for $0! Go me!

Now, if I can just decide what to do with all those appliances I only use once every 6 months or so...


Unknown said…
I love your canisters! The bottles are neat! Now come do my house! Mom
Lesley Speller said…
You already did such a great job on purging stuff from your house! I was totally impressed! :-D

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