Strange Horizons and How I Think the World Should Be...

I submitted a short story to Strange Horizons Friday evening. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I wish everyone accepted web submissions like they do. It would make life so much easier and save so many trees. Surely the big publishing houses will figure out soon that the best way to deal with things is through email or other kinds of uploads.

Let's say you build a program where you can have authors that would like to submit come in and upload a piece in whatever format you've asked them to. Then the program shoots off an email to the editors that need to review it and one to the author confirming that they have received the submission. Then the editor could go in and review it when they have time and either choose to ask for more of the work or it could generate a nice polite no thank you. That way nothing would get lost in the shuffle. I'm sure it would cut down on time by a lot too.

Actually this is pretty similar to something we've been working on where I work that keeps track of files that need to be reviewed and responded to. It's not that complicated a program.

Well that is just my two cents on the matter. :-D


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