Introducing Finn Gabriel Speller!

Finn Gabriel Speller
7 lbs 13 oz
21 inches
Born: Saturday July 12th, 2008 at 11:15 am

He's here, and we just got home from the hospital. We're both doing great.

I think I'll take a nap now. :-D


Anonymous said…
Congrats, Lesley! Yep, you go off and sleep :D
Anonymous said…
Mazel Tov, darling!! He's adorable!!!
Anonymous said…
Congrats sweetie! *hugs* He's totally beautiful.
Anonymous said…
He is certainly adorable. Congratulations, job well done. You deserve a big nap.
Anonymous said…
awwwwwwwwww I can't wait to see him! And what an adorable chubby little face! We just got home at 1am, I'm off to sleep myself. *HUGS* LOVE YOU ALL!
Anonymous said…
He is adorable. Congratulation!
Much love and pleasant dreams.
Anonymous said…
Finn, welcome to the world! You are very lucky to have such a cool mom, and I hear your dad and brother are pretty cool, too. :-)
Anonymous said…
Susan: Thanks so much!

Kim: If only sleeping at hour stretches added up to the same as sleeping for eight hours straight. :-D

Lishy: Thanks sweetie! *HUGS*

Vixen: Thanks! Naps are good! hehe

Jenn: You'll have to come over and meet him soon! *HUGS*

Dianna: Thank you!

Crystal: hehe Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Oh jeez, I'm so behind. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's gorgeous!
Anonymous said…
Jennifer: Thanks!

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