From Front Porch to Actually in the Ground Garden

Okay, so most of my plants were starting to get mad about being contained on the front porch. So I made them their own little raised garden. I'm going to do the whole square foot gardening thing next year probably, but I didn't do a grid or anything this year.

So now I think I need to go buy some more plants. Since I didn't take up all the room in the garden you know. ;)

Some of the plants are still on the front porch. And the Zucchini is still doing SMASHINGLY in the Topsy Turvy. I love this thing! Remember that this poor little Zucchini was almost dead when I put it in here.

Here is the only one of my peppers that is actually making peppers... I planted three. Two made blooms and one just dropped the blooms and didn't bother with fruit. I'm not sure what the problem with the other one is. It hasn't even tried.

And here is the CUUUUTE little baby pepper it's making!

So there is our little garden. :-D

Edit: I couldn't resist! I went and bought a crooked neck squash and a cucumber, and I also seeds for Birdhouse Gourds (Thanks for the idea, Mommy!) and sweet corn. The seeds are germinating on the front porch. Hopefully they will do very well and I'll be able to transplant them soon. Yay! I dig gardening. :-D Get it...dig...oh nevermind. hehehe


Jennifer Shirk said…
I want a garden! And now I REALLY want a Topsy Turvy!!!
MsSnarkyPants said…
You need one! They are super awesome!
Julia said…
If you plant the crook neck in the last hole in your garden by the end of summer it will have taken over the entire thing!!! :) Blogging at night makes me hungry.
MsSnarkyPants said…
Uh oh! I planted it smack dab in the middle! Maybe I should move it LOL

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