Obsessive Trip Planning R Me

Okay, I'm kinda an obsessive planner in all situations, but when it comes to trips I'm even more so!

We're going on our first family road trip this summer to St. George Island in Florida. It is so beautiful there. I can't wait! But I have to wait because it's not until August, bah! Oh well I have lots of other exciting things between now and then, like Finn's 1st Birthday in July! :-D

So on with my obsessive planning.

My parents are going too, and they picked out an awesome beach house. So that part is all taken care of.

We're planning on taking the Memphis route, seen here:

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I'm thinking we'll have to fill up around twice on the way there. I found this totally awesome website where you enter the type of car you drive and where your going and it checks local prices on gas and your cars estimated millage to give you an approximate price. Now this won't help me a lot because it can't see the future and tell me what prices will be in August. What is the world coming too, right? But it's still super cool!

Here's what it's estimating right now for the trip.

The current plan is that we'll leave at 8pm and Bryon will drive through the night while I sleep in the back with the boys. (He's much more of a night person than I am, and I see HORRIBLY in the dark driving. Can I mention briefly how annoying that is? I have skin so fair that I can't go out 20 minutes without sunscreen and not get burned, but I also am not made for night time. Bah!) Then once we get about to Birminghamish, we'll stop and find some place for the boys to run a little energy off before completing the journey. I'm going to research a few places around that general area that look like they'd be good for that kind of thing. Anyone have any suggestions? Where we stop will probably depend on when the boys wake up and that kind of thing so anything within about 2 hours of that area I would love to hear about. Then I'll drive the rest of the way while hubby sleeps.

So what are your travel plans, if any, for the summer?


Jenn said…
If I can get someone (named Dylan) to commit to a particular week, we're going to Tennessee this summer. Mostly centered around Dollywood and roaming the Smoky Mountains :)
Jenn said…
And I agree, I'm trip planning obcessive too!! But it's so much fun!!! It's killing me to not reserve a cabin because he won't decide when we can go!
MsSnarkyPants said…
Oh that's gonna be fun! I wanna see the Smoky Mountains one of these days! I did go to Nashville once to Opryland but that was so long ago I only have a very vague memory of it. ;)
Julia said…
OMG That is quite a drive. Good luck and safe journeys for you!
MsSnarkyPants said…
Julia, I know! Isn't it scary! At least it's not a plane ride though. I don't think I'll get on a plane with my children again until their all over 10!
Jenn said…
POUTS....... No Tennessee for me this summer. Am thinking of flying to AZ instead to see Crys when she has her baby, and the grand canyon too :)
MsSnarkyPants said…
Jenn: Like WHEN she has her baby? I hope you're going to stay in a hotel, cause guests right after you give birth unless they are your mommy and and they are waiting on you hand and foot are very hard to deal with.
Jenn said…
Oh lord no, like weeks after, hehe. I know better than that. Not to mention the Grand Canyon in August is not the best idea I don't think.

Came back to this post because I was going to ask if you wanted to borrow my GPS Nuvi on your trip :) I couldn't remember if you had one or not, and I'd let you borrow mine if you wanted. Might help ease any fears of getting lost... and is great for finding you places to eat!!! But I'm sorry, it doesn't know if you've left your iron plugged in...

I say that because I LOVE YOU!
MsSnarkyPants said…
I have no idea what you're talking about... But I'll call you if I think I left it on again. ;) LMAO Granted I NEVER iron so that's not gonna happen. hehehe

We've got Bryon's iPhone, but thanks so much for the offer! *HUGS* I love you too!!!!

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