Tales from a Bad Mommy - Episode 1

Episode 1 because I'm SURE things like this will happen again...

Me: *cringes and prepares to swerve out of the turning lane as the big truck coming toward us in our lane finally gets back on his side of the line when he looks up from whatever the hell he was doing on the floor* You dumbass, maybe you should watch the road!!!

Nicky: *from the back seat* Mommy, was that guy a dumbass?

Me: *oops* Nicky, that's not a nice word. Mommy shouldn't have said it. But yes...


Jenn said…
My mom taught me all sorts of interesting words while driving, LOL. But I shouldn't repeat that story... (But you all know the horn on my old car barely worked from her honking it all the time!)
Julia said…
So that may be my favorite pejorative to use of all time. Wyatt picked it up from my husband since I was able to curb my wicked tongue before he caught on to me. But once the damage was done we spent LIKE SIX months trying to fix him. Oh. IT WAS AWFUL.
Julia said…
Hey L,
I got a note from the Cupcake Prov. that her package came back undelivered. I am wondering if you could resend me your address so you can get your apron!!
Anonymous said…
Yea, you should hear Ladybug running around repeating some of the stuff I let slip out. When she says it she sounds just like me too. As soon as it comes out of her mouth, Shannon looks at me and I hang my head in shame. I have forgotten so much since my kids were little parrots.

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