Ornery Children

My husband told me about this conversation, and I just had to share.

Finn: Daddy, monkey! hehehe
Nicky: Daddy! *laughing hysterically* He called you a monkey!
Bryon: No, he didn't. It just sounded like monkey.
Finn: Dada - *makes a very accurate monkey sound*
Bryon: You little bum!

*giggles hysterically*


Amanda said…
Hee! I think they got him ;)
Vixen said…
And as they get older it will become Daddy is a monkey butt. At least it did here, lol
Lesley Speller said…
Amanda: Indeed they did! hehehe

Vixen: Monkey butt! *giggles* Can't wait! Unless they call me monkey butt...

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