Yeah, no, just no

Finn: *Pointing at my coffee* Juice?
Me: No, it's Mommy's coffee. *points to the juice bottle in his hand* That's juice.
Finn: *Looking contemplative* Coffee good!
Me: Yes, dear, I like coffee. Is your juice good?
Finn: *looking insulted* Ugh! No!

Well tough luck, buddy! You aren't going to get my coffee!


Vixen said…
Step away from mommy's coffee lad. Trust me, it's just safer that way.
Katie J ♥ said…
Out of the mouths of babes. Finn you don't want mommas coffee lol
Lesley Speller said…
Yes, Mommy would lose her mind without her deliciously yummy coffee. :D That wouldn't bode well for the boys.

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