Thursday Thirteen #33

13 Places I Like to Play Online

It's got a great natural mothering discussion board.
Well obviously...or this blog wouldn't be here. Despite the fact that I've been seriously neglecting it lately. Bad Lesley!
3. The Luna Discussion Board
This is a line of Harlequin books that are all about strong female characters in fantasy worlds. Great stuff.
4. Google Analytics
Yes, I do obsess about this thing.
5. Ebay
Do I really need to say anymore?
6. Write, Read and Romance
Great new romance writers' organization.
A blog geared toward female scooter riders.
8. Various other blogs that are too numerous to be named.
Seriously they have everything!
I've got plans! Big ones! Only no energy or extra cash to carry them out...
11. Yahoo Games
Bejeweled...It's a mind sucking beast, but I love it.
12. Etsy
Ohhh...if only I had infinite funds!
13. Nymbler
It's this cool baby name thing that you add names you like to as inspiration and it gives you other related names. It's lots of fun.


Anonymous said…
I LOVE Amazon, too. I bought a vacuum there. LOL!

If you're over at LUNA and see author Ann Kelleher, tell her Jennifer Shirk from Ocean City says "hi". (She might remember me)
Anonymous said…
I spend entirely too much time on Ebay and have very little to show for it. Have never seen #3, so thank you for showing me something new!

Happy TT
Anonymous said…
Etsy is dangerous, isn't it? Oh, goodness, that place. I get lost there (and at Deviant Art) for HOURS.

It's actually nice when I'm in the mood to surf and explore; I know those two sites will show me cool things and none (or little) of the gross stuff no one really wants to see...

Happy T13, babe!
Anonymous said…
A great list of links! Congratulations on your pregnancy. :)
Anonymous said…
I just found Etsy and am in awe of all the talent. I have to stay away from Amazon, though. LOL!
Anonymous said…
Love Amazon!
Anonymous said…
This is a good list. Mine is Ebay and I also spend a lot of time on MySpace.
Anonymous said…
It is possible to become addicted to buying books online from Amazon. Not me of course. I can give it up any time I want!

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