Webpage Update

I've still got some tweaking to do, but I've got most of the stuff added to my website that I've been putting off for ages.

Bryon fixed my buttons for me to make editing things easier. Thanks, sweetie!

So what did I add?

I added the first chapters of Click Yes to Submit and Blood and Violet.

I also uploaded The Shadow in the Glass to the Free Reads section.

Wow, written out it doesn't sound like all that much but it took me forever!


Anonymous said…
LOST next week and Jericho the week after. The best month on TV in ages!!!
Anonymous said…
Yes, I'm so excited!!!
Anonymous said…
I've read all of Click Yes to Submit, right?? I watched The Jane Austen Book Club on the plane out to LA... inspired me to get back into reading lots. Am trying to decide which of her books to read first.

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