Thank you, Sweetie!

Look what my hubby is getting me for Valentine's Day!

Look Look Look!

Okay, he isn't like buying the What's Kickin Ultrasound Studio or anything. hehe But he is getting me an ultrasound. :-D He's a good hubby.

I'm so excited! Is it Valentine's Day yet!?


Anonymous said…
*ahem* I thought they didn't have a website? LOL. Maybe he read the answer your damn phone blog and is making up for it...

*hugggggggggggggs* When you find out what time your appt will be, let me know, I'd love to go with you if they'll let me :) I'm promise to keep my "what the heck is that?" comments to myself, hehehehehe
Anonymous said…
Yes, well if they did have a website before yesterday then it was kept extremely well hidden and had never been crawled by Google.
Anonymous said…
Dang. I couldn't click on the website.
Anonymous said…
It appears that it only worked for one day... So weird! We hunted for it for days and there was nothing then one day it was there and now it's gone...This morning it wanted a login...

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