Wednesday Weigh In

Current Weight: 235
Loss: 2
Total Loss: 37

I've been very lazy this week. I didn't workout much at all because there was still so much heavy duty cleaning and rearranging and house purging to do, and then we all got sick.

I'm nursing a migraine today so I'm not feeling very verbose. Hope you're all doing well!


Amanda said…
I hate migraines -- I had one nuke me after my run last night. Bleah.

WTG on the scale moving!
Jennifer Shirk said…
Oh, no. Migraines are THE worst.
Take care.
You're doing great on the weight loss!
Everyone has down weeks, you are still doing great. Hope your head feels better today.
A lot of people at work were having migraine problems today. Hope you're hanging in there.
Lesley Speller said…
Thanks, guys! :-D My head was better the next day. My hormones triggered it. Stupid hormones!

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